Recently, our company has found that people who are counterfeiting our certification number and used in masks that are not produced by our company. Consumers are requested to pay special attention to the masks produced by this company that use our certified TC number (TC-84A-8084). This certification number belongs to “Shining Star Electronic Technology Co., Ltd”. We have authorized other companies; not include MAKRITE for the secondary approval application, and have not authorized any mask factory, especially MAKRITE to produce our masks. Our masks are all printed with registered logo on the mask. The masks without our logo are all counterfeit products. Please pay special attention to it!
近日我司發現有心人士仿冒我們的口罩認證號應用在不是我司生產的口罩, 敬請廣大消費者特別留意此公司所生產冒用我司的認證TC號碼口罩(TC-84A-8084), 此認證號屬於我司Shining Star Electronic Technology Co., Ltd所有, 我們已授權給其他公司不包含MAKRITE做二次認證申請, 也並未授權給任何一家口罩生產廠尤其是MAKRITE生產我司口罩. 我司口罩都是有印上登記在案的註冊Logo. 未印有我司之Logo的口罩均為仿冒品, 在此特別聲明請消費大眾特別注意!
Post time:May-11-2020